Once a year my wife April gives me a “hall pass.” I believe she thought giving me a little sugar on the side, albeit only once a year, would be healthy for our marriage. April has never asked for anything in return, only that I didn’t cheat any other time of the year and that she not find out who I fucked. To avoid any violations of the terms of the hall pass, I would usually pick up a woman while on a business trip out of town. I never slept with the same person more than once. This arrangement worked great for the first five years of our marriage. It was now the sixth year.
Out of the blue one day, April asked, “James, how would you feel giving me a hall pass?”. While I was absolutely okie dokie with her giving me permission to fuck other women, I did not like the idea of another man boning my wife. I totally understood that I was applying a double standard, but I just couldn’t handle a stranger’s dick in April’s pussy. I knew I needed to tread lightly so I asked April some questions to see if I could learn where she was coming from, “This is out of the blue. Is there some reason this interests you now? Have you met someone?” The last question seemed a bit misplaced since such details certainly violate the arrangement I had with her not to share too much information. Her response was simple, “No, I just thought it would be fun.” I told her I needed to process the idea and we agreed to revisit the subject in a few days.
That weekend we were relaxing with some wine in the living room, after having enjoyed a nice meal, when April brought up the subject again, with a smile “James, have you given the idea of giving me a hall pass any more consideration?” I told her I found it difficult to wrap my head around. She seemed to understand the challenge and said, “I used to fret over giving you one, but I put my concerns behind me because I trust you.” Wow, so if I didn’t reciprocate, would that send the message that I didn’t trust her? Looking for an excuse to turn her down, I suggested it might not be safe for her to hook up with a guy she didn’t know. I was assuming of course that she’d take the same approach as I had to find sex partners, out-of-town strangers. Her response was shocking, “You could chaperon.” Taken aback, I asked incredulously “You want me to watch you while you have sex with another man?” That was exactly what she was proposing.
We discussed reciprocal hall passes off and for the next week. Each time, it was April who brought up the subject. She seemed intent that I navigate the “Catch Twenty-two”. If I said no and kept fucking other women, I’d look sexist. If I proposed I give up hall passes, she’d suggest I didn’t trust her. If I said yes, I’d have to deal with her being fucked by another man. I decided to play along with her plan thinking she might chicken out. April traditionally gave me my hall pass on my birthday, which was just a week away. I suppose my upcoming birthday was the reason April raised the issue now. I agreed to give April a hall pass the same time she gave me one, on my birthday.
April gave me a card with my hall pass on my birthday, and true to my word, I gave her one as well. I modeled my pass after the ones she had given me in the past: ”This entitles you to one day in the next twelve months where the rules of our marriage are suspended.” It didn’t actually say she was free to go fuck a guy, but we both knew what was meant by the suspension of our marital rules. After opening the card and reading what I wrote, April smiled and gave me a big hug.
A few weeks later, April brought up the subject of hall passes. She wanted to know how hers was “going to work.” I told her I’d been thinking about it and decided it was better that I not know anything about her plans, just as she preferred not to know mine, but I asked her for safety’s sake to tell me the day she planned to meet someone, which she agreed to do.
Nothing more was said about the hall passes for more than seven months. Then, one morning at breakfast April said matter-of-factly, “I won’t be home tonight. I have my date.” At first, I thought she was going to stay out late with her girlfriends or something like that, then I realized the “date” she was talking about was for sex. It seemed that she was going to meet the guy somewhere else, which I suppose made sense, so I asked her, “Can you leave me the address, just in case?” She smiled, wrote the address on a piece of paper, folded it, and placed the paper on the credenza next to the dining room table.
When I got home from work, April’s car was gone. Expecting to eat by myself, I had brought home Chinese take-out. I went to the fridge and got a beer to wash down the food and settled down in the living room to watch some Netflix, hopefully something that would take my mind off what was happening. Forty minutes into the film I had finished the food, finished the beer, and probably couldn’t even tell you what movie was being streamed on my laptop. All I could think about was April. I closed the laptop, went into the dining room and picked up the piece of paper. The address written on the paper was across town. I fetched my jacket out of the entryway closet and headed for my car.
The address led me to a single-family ranch-style home. The first thing I noticed was there were a dozen cars parked in the driveway and in front of the house. One of them was April’s. Most of the lights were on in the house. I drove by the house and parked around the corner. As I approached the house, I saw shadows of people moving around inside. There were window covering in the front and I couldn’t see anything inside. I opened a gate on the side of the house and quietly made my way to the backyard. My first view inside the house was through the sliding glass doors that connected the living room with the patio. The vertical blinds were open and through the slats I saw a half dozen men. Two were standing and the other four were seated on two couches. They were all naked. They all had very big dicks.
I did not see April in the living room. Two rooms down seemed to be the master bedroom. I heard noises coming from the room through an open window. As I walked towards the window the sounds became clearer. I was listening to April being fucked. The window was open but was covered with a curtain. I could hear April moaning and grunts and heavy breathing of what sounded like more than one man. April was encouraging the men, “Fuck me harder.” I also heard sounds of her gagging. I wanted to see. Hoping the men and my wife were busy enough that they wouldn’t notice, I stuck my hand through the window, took hold of an edge of the curtain, and pulled it back far enough that I could see a sliver of the room.

What I saw were four men fucking my wife. One was beneath her, fucking her pussy. A second was on his knees behind her with a dick in her ass. She was sucking the cock of a third man while the fourth man jerked himself off while he waited his turn. April was being gang banged. To my knowledge, she had never had sex with more than one person at a time, and now hordes of men were fucking her. She never gave me blowjobs, she said they were demeaning, and she never let me fuck her ass, which she said was too painful. In contrast, she was acting like a whore with these strangers. After a few minutes of watching, I saw her have an orgasm. The man who was getting his cock sucked took it out of her mouth and April screamed through the orgasm while the other two guys kept pounding her. When her orgasm subsided, I heard her ask if they’d give her holes a break and offered to finish them off.
The four men stood in a line and masturbated while April kneeled in front of each of them in turn and accepted their loads of semen in her mouth, swallowing it before moving to the next man. When they were all serviced, I watched the four men leave. April drank a glass of water, the walked to the window. I ducked down behind the wall as she opened the curtain and stood in front of the window. I couldn’t see her, but I knew she was still naked and I could smell sex waft from the window. After a minute, I heard sounds of men entering the room. They were laughing. April stepped away from the window and I stood up to see what was going on. April was in the bed with three men. They were different than the first four. I recognized them as some of the men who had been waiting in the living room. April was leaning up against the backboard and the men were taking turns standing in the bed in front of her, using her mouth to get them hard. A few minutes later they were using all her holes. A half hour later all three men had shot their loads. The ass guy went first, ejaculating while his cock was buried deep in her ass. The guy who was fucking her mouth took his place. The pussy guy was next followed shortly thereafter by a second load in the butt.
While April waited for the next group of men, I looked again into the living room. I watched the three men who had just fucked April leave while the last three headed for the bedroom. Just before I went back to the bedroom, I watch three new men enter the living room, followed closely by five more. April was going to fuck dozens of men. I watch her another forty-five minutes, then went to my car, being careful not to run into men that were coming or going. When I got home, I felt dirty, so I showered before crawling into bed a little before 1:00 AM.
I woke up briefly when April crawled into bed about 6:30 AM. She had obviously bathed, but she still smelled like sex. I imagined that she probably had cum everywhere after her “date.” I spooned her and was able to sleep another hour before getting up. April spent the entire day, a Saturday, sleeping. She eventually got out of bed about dinner time. She acted like nothing had happened. I had questions about her “date” but couldn’t figure out how to frame them. April was ready to go to bed again about 10:00 PM. I joined her and once in bed thought it would be a good idea to “reclaim her.” I tried touching her, but she rebuffed my advances saying, “I am a little sore, Honey. Can you give me a couple of days?”