It took me awhile to realize Chloé was a sadist. We met at a party that was thrown by a mutual friend and we hit it off right away. Our first date was “normal”, dinner and a walk along the beach. However, by the time we started to get serious about our relationship, there were some indications that her “kink” might be hurting people. For our third date, I suggested we go to see a movie and I asked if there was anything that she was interested in seeing. She wanted to see a film that was showing at an art house, “I Spit on Your Grave.” The movie, which falls into the general genre of “revenge films”, starts out with a particularly lengthy depiction of a gang rape that take up half an hour of its runtime. The victim of the assault spends the rest of the film offing the rapists in increasing sadistic ways. Chloé and I went to a coffee shop after the film, and she couldn’t stop talking about it.
Chloé and I did not have sex until we had been dating off and on for nearly two months. She invited me over to her apartment for dinner. She wanted me to try her favorite dish, Imam Bayildi, a Greek dish of eggplants stuffed with tomatoes. She described how her grandmother had taught her to make the dish when she was eleven years old. At 6:00, I stood on her doorstep ringing the bell with my elbow. I had a bottle of Retsina in one hand and a bottle of Ouzo in the other. Chloé opened the door topless, wearing only a pair of black thong panties. Apparently, it was game on. It was the first time I had seen her breasts. They were petite, I think sometimes called “athletic.” In fact, her whole body could be called athletic. I quipped, “I guess I am overdressed.” Indeed, I was. Wanting to impress her, I had worn a sports jacket. I stepped inside and she gave me a kiss as she took the bottles from my hands. Her excuse for being underdressed was her apartment was hot from the cooking. She suggested I strip down too as she put the Ouzo in the freezer.
I removed my jacket, button-down shirt, T-shirt, and socks and shoes, in that order. She glanced up from chopping some vegetables and asked me if I was going to take off my pants. I self-consciously told her, “I would, but I am not wearing any underwear.” She stopped what she was doing, walked over to me, loosened my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my trousers, and let them fall to the floor. She then took off her thongs. I found myself staring at her pussy. “Never seen a cunt before, Michael?”, she asked. I was surprised she used that word to describe her vagina, which was clean shaven. She smiled and returned to her work in the kitchen. I asked if I could help and she suggested I could uncork the wine.
I joined her in the kitchen, which was quite small. I asked her where the corkscrew was and she pointed at a drawer. Squeezing by her, my penis touched her butt. I was trying hard not to get an erection, and this was not helping. After opening the wine, Chloé said there was nothing more I could do to help in the kitchen, I should pour us each a glass of wine, and I should relax in the living room. Her living room was small as well, but nicely appointed. I had been in her apartment twice before, but only briefly to pick her up for dates, and I hadn’t noticed much about it. Now that I had time to study it, I started to notice little things. First, she had unusual tastes in art. There was a watercolor of a man in profile wearing a ball gag. There was a photograph of a woman in shibari-like rope bondage that forced her limbs in unnatural directions. But what really caught my eye was a collection crops, floggers, whips, canes, leather straps, and other tools for striking people that were artfully organized on one of the walls.
Chloé saw me ogling her collection and said dinner would be ready in ten minutes. She suggested that I wash up and directed me to the bathroom down the hall. The bathroom was surprisingly sparsely appointed. It almost looked industrial. Even the soap had the feel and smell of something you might find at a gas station. After washing up, I walked back past the room I assumed was her bedroom. The door was only partway open and the lights were off, so I couldn’t see any detail, but what I had seen so far in the apartment piqued my interest. I quickly stuck my head into the room and flipped on the light. She had a wrought iron canopy bed. The frame had no legs and the mattress sat directly on the floor. I flipped the light off and stepped out of the room. Chloé was standing at the end of the hall looking at me. A apologized and told her I should have asked for permission. She said dinner was ready.
There was not really a separate dining room. The small table, around which you could squeeze four people if you had to, was essentially at one end of the kitchen. Chloé had set it with a yellow tablecloth. I asked again if I could help and she said sure and handed me a bowl of bread. She has already brought everything else to the table except for the Imam Bayildi, which she took from the oven. As we made our way to the table, I commented, “I have never dined with anyone in the nude before. May I say that I find your body stunning?” She looked at me and said, “You have a handsome body.” Almost as an afterthought she added, “And you have a big dick.” I started to become aroused and quickly sat down so the tablecloth would shield my growing erection.
The meal was fabulous, and I told Chloé how much I was enjoying it. I did not have much experience with Greek food and Chloé helped educate me. I always enjoyed learning about food, cooking, and especially eating good food. We finished off the bottle of Retsina with dinner. She brought out baklava for dessert, and when we finished it we moved on to the Ouzo. Chloé took two shot glasses out of the freezer and poured the Ouzo before returning the bottle to the freezer. I asked to make a toast and in doing so complimented her cooking prowess. After we tossed back the shots of Ouzo, I told Chloé that it was my job to clear the table and do the dishes. She had a dishwasher, so it did not take long to finish the task.
When I finished cleaning the kitchen, I joined Chloé, who was sitting in the living room semi-reclined at one end of the couch. I joined her at the other end. Staring at her vagina, couldn’t hide my arousal any longer. I had a stiff hard-on. Chloé commented that she wondered what my dick was like. I asked her if she was satisfied and she said provocatively, “We’ll see, Michael.” I wanted to continue with the verbal foreplay, but I thought we should address the preverbal horsewhip in the room. I asked about her collection of “instruments of impact” as I called them and she told me that even as a child she had been interested in the subject of pain. “Have you used any of them before?”, I asked. “Yes.” “Which ones have you used? “All of them.” “On people?” “Yes.” She asked if that frightened me. I said not particularly unless she intend to use them on me. I let out an odd, nervous chuckle. She clarified, “I don’t hurt people unless they ask me to. Politely.” I asked her if the people she hurt were her boyfriends, She said, “They were my lovers.” In what I am certain sounded like an uneasy voice, I suggested we should have some more Ouzo. Chloé agreed and I offered to get some.
Returning to the living room with the liquid fortification, we started talking about sex. She asked me what I liked to do in bed. I started out diplomatically by declaring that I enjoyed oral sex, especially cunnilingus, but I also of course enjoyed fellatio. “You mean you like to eat pussy and blowjobs.”, she clarified. “I see you don’t beat around the bush, so to speak.”, I said. She quipped, “Actually, I do beat the bush.” She laughed and I joined in with a forced chuckle. She asked if I liked to fuck “vag and tail”? I continued to be surprised by her vocabulary. “Yup, I like to vaginal and anal intercourse.” She asked if I had any kinks. I told her I thought I was a voyeur. She asked me what kind of porn I watched and I gave her some examples that I suspected were pretty vanilla compared to her interests.
She asked me if I liked to be spanked. I told her because I had never been spanked as an adult, I didn’t know. “Then I suppose you have never been whipped.” I suspected we had now turned to her list of kinks. “No, of course not.” She told me the boundary between pleasure and pain is a fuzzy one and suggested I might want to explore the subject. I asked her what she suggested and she asked “Would you like to try some impact play?” I was getting a bit drunk at this point, and I was very horny. A replied, “Teach me.” She answered, “First, you have to ask me nicely to hurt you.” I recognized this as consent. “Will you hurt me?”, I asked. “That sounded like a question, and it wasn’t very polite.”, she answered. She stretched out one of her legs and placed her foot in my crotch. I rephrased, “Would you please hurt me?” She pressed her foot against my balls. “Is that what you want?”, asking for even more clarification. “I want you to hurt me, please.” She simply said, “Yes, I will hurt you, Michael.”
Chloé explained there were were safe words, ways of communicating. “Green” means more. “Yellow” means less. “Red” means stop. She also said she needed more respect from me and asked that I call her Ma’am. Finally, she made it clear that she was the one in control. Within the framework of Green/Yellow/Red, she decided what was to be done and when. She finished by asking for permission in advance to so certain things, including penetration. I did not exactly know what that meant, but my raging hard-on was speaking on my behalf. Chloé suggested I join her in the bedroom, and I followed her there.
The overhead light in the room was dimmable. She reduced the light in the room so effectively only the center of the bed was illuminated. I could not even see the walls in the room. The bed did not have any pillows or blankets, just a fitted sheet. Chloé handed me a set of leather cuff and told me to put them on. I said OKAY, but she made it clear that my response was unrespectful. I quickly clarified, “Yes, Ma’am.” Intoxicated, it was going to be difficult to remember the protocols. While I was putting the cuffs on, Chloé left the room. When she returned, she was dressed in black tights and a short-sleeved black spandex top. She had some objects in her hands, but I couldn’t make out what they were before she placed them on a small table against the dark wall.
Approaching the bed, she asked me to lay down, face-down, and stretch out my arms and legs spread-eagle. I started to worry what I was getting myself into as Chloé bound my limbs with ropes to the four corners of the bed. After. picking something up from the table, she stood on the mattress between my legs and used her toes to pull my ball sack out from underneath my body. Rocking back and forth, she rhythmically crushed my balls under the weight of her feet. My erection subsided. While punishing my balls, she asked me again what I wanted her to do. Under duress, I repeated what I had said earlier, “Would you please hurt me?” She stated the obvious, “Yes, I will hurt you. While still stepping on my balls, she began striking my back. I couldn’t see what she was hitting me with, but the swish-swish-swish through the air and the sensation on my back told me it was the flogger I had seen on her wall. The sensation was not unpleasant and in fact the flogger took my attention away from the more painful smashing of my testicles.
The flogging continued for perhaps ten minutes, then Chloé stepped off the bed. A moment later, she began tapping a rod against my butt cheeks. It was the bamboo cane I had seen hanging on the wall. Chloé said she was going to strike me five times on each cheek, a total of ten times. She said I was to call out the blows … One, Ma’am. Two, Ma’am, and so on. I acknowledged, Yes, Ma’am. While standing on the left side of the bed, she tapped the cane on my right butt cheek three times as she took aim, there was a pause as she raised her arm and then she struck me. The pain was excruciating … a sharp intense pain followed by a prolonged stinging. I could barely get the word out of my mouth, “One, Ma’am.” The second blow was delivered to the same cheek in the same way and in a cracking voice I said, “Two Ma’am.” There was little respite between the strikes and after delivering five to the right cheek she moved to the right side of the bed and repeated the process on my left cheek. I was practically crying by the time she was finished.

I heard Chloé put the cane down on table and felt her sit down on the bed next to me. She began to trace the welts on my ass with her index finger. She was experience and each of the blows were evenly spaced on each cheek. She seemed almost gental as she touched my wounds. Her fingers felt cool against my burning ass. The sensation was erotic. She laid down next to me, put her arm across my back and draped one leg over mine. She seemed to be almost apologizing for hurting me. Later, she would use the term “after care” to describe what she was doing. After a few minutes of “cuddling”, she asked me if I wanted to fuck. Recovered now from the beating I had received, I told her I did, “Yes, Ma’am.”
She got off the bed and returned a few minutes later to untie my legs. It seemed odd that she didn’t completely untie me. Chloé told me to get up on my knees. I struggled to obey her. Once on my knees, my face still firmly planted in the mattress and my arms stretched into a V and still tied to the posts at the head of the bed, I felt Chloé position herself between my legs. She repeated herself, “Michael, do you still want to fuck?” I responded with less certainly, “Yes, Ma’am.” I felt her start to probe my anus with what felt like a greased finger. I was the one who was going to be fucked. No one had ever played with my ass. Fuck, I hadn’t ever played with my own ass. As she put her finger inside me, Chloé commented, “You have a very tight hole, Michael. I am going to enjoy fucking you.” It hurt as she forced more fingers in my anus. She spent perhaps ten minutes stretching me out before she stopped. I moment later I felt her dildo probe my anus. Pressing it against me, I felt the head penetrate me and I shuttered.
Chloé worked her strap-on into me over a period of a few minutes. Once fully inserted, she left it there for a moment before she began to slide it in and out. While doing so she played with my balls. The sensation was not all together unpleasant, but extremely embarrassing. I started to whimper as she fucked me. After several minutes, she asked me if I was enjoying being fucked. I said, “Yes, Ma’am.”, but apparently not enthusiastically enough because she told me to ask for more if I wanted it. “Please fuck me harder and faster, Ma’am.”, saying what I thought she wanted to hear. She obliged and fucked me harder than I had ever fucked a woman. After several more minutes of this she withdrew her cock, untied my arms, rolled me over, and began fucking me again. This time she stroked my cock as she penetrated me. It didn’t take long to ejaculate. She directed the semen into her hand. When the orgasm had subsided, she sat on my chest, pinning my arms to my side, and fed me my own cum. I was exhausted and ate semen for the first time in my life.

Chloé left me in the room to reflect on the pain and humiliation she had inflicted on me. I heard her showering in the other room. My body felt used, but strangely satisfied. I thought about my time with Chloé, not just that evening, but all of my time with her. She never really hid from me who she is. I suppose every step of the way I knew what I was agreeing to. More than just a sadist, she clearly enjoys dominating and humiliating men. That is who she is at the core. I was still thinking about the experience when Chloé walked in. She was naked once more. She suggested I get cleaned up too while handing me a clean town and washcloth. She pointed out that there was a bidet in the bathroom, which I assumed was to be used to clean out my ass.
After my shower, it occurred to me that I wasn’t even sure where my clothes were. I returned to the bedroom to find Chloé had made bed and was in it. “Turn out the lights and join me.” I replied “Yes, Ma’am.”, and did just that. Lying beside her in the dark she said, “There is one last ling you can do for me tonight.” “What is that, Ma’am?” “Lick my pussy.” I performed cunnilingus, then we held each other while we fell asleep.