Sam never hid her bisexuality. Although we’d been married and had a monogamous relationship for four years, I still saw her looking at lesbian porn from time to time and her preferred reading material was fictional LGBTQ historical novels. I once raised the issue of her lesbian instincts while I was going down on her, and I asked, “Is this how lesbians do it?” She laughed and said it was the same, but different. I believe I understood what she meant because a lot of sex is in your head, and I imagined just knowing a man or woman was licking your pussy would make a difference. For example, being strictly heterosexual, it would freak me out knowing a man was sucking my cock.
I first met Sam’s friend Cat at a party. I struck up a conversation with her while Sam was in the restroom, but I didn’t know they knew each other until Sam returned. Upon seeing each other they hugged and then kissed on the lips. Sam said, “I haven’t seen you in ages.” Cat explained why, “I have been overseas going to graduate school. I just returned to the United States a few weeks ago.” The two of them were inseparable the rest of the party. While I stuck around for a while, I got bored with the conversation, which mostly involved talking about their shared experiences, so I left to find myself a drink and perhaps another conversation. After about thirty minutes, I found Sam. She was still talking with Cat. I waited for a pause in the conversation, and then asked Sam if she was ready to go. Cat chimed in and begged her not to leave, “It’s still early. I’ll give you a ride home.” Sam looked at me and I said, “Fine by me if you’d like to stay longer. See you at home?” Arriving home by myself, I stayed up for a little bit watching a movie on Hulu, then called it a night about 10:30. I texted Sam just before I went to sleep but didn’t get an answer.
In the morning, a Saturday, I woke up and Sam’s side of the bed was still not slept in. I texted her and got a response right away. She told me that she and Cat had spent much of the night talking, and then she crashed at her place because it was late. She said she’d “be home soon.” About 4:00 in the afternoon she finally got home. She didn’t apologize for being away so long and simply told me that she had a great time and wanted to get together with Cat again soon. I thought to myself, “I guess I’m not invited to that party.” I asked her where she had known Cat from and she told me they were friends in school. I asked Sam straight up, “Was she your lover?” When Sam said yes, I asked her if she still found Cat attractive and she said yes. I was becoming a little jealous and asked if they slept together last night and she said, “We slept in the same bed, but didn’t have sex.” Still probing for details, I asked if they were wearing clothes and she said no. Finally I asked the big question, “Do you want to have sex with Cat?” Without hesitating she said, “Yes. Would that be okay?”
This was the first time Sam had suggested one of us have sex outside our marriage. I was somewhat unnerved by the prospect. I at the same time wanted to continue the conversation but was afraid of where it might lead. I asked her to clarify her intentions and she said she was talking about casual sex, no lasting commitments. I told her that I understood her urges and I recognized our sex life might not be ideal as she was also attracted to women. I also told her that I wanted her to be happy and for her sexual life to be satisfying. I suggested it wouldn’t be out of the question for me to give her permission to have sex with Cat, but I would have to think about the boundaries. I asked Sam to give me a few days to think about it.
Sam approached me less than twenty-four hours later and brought the subject up again. She wanted to know if I had given the subject of Cat any more thought. I then threw out an idea, “How would you feel about a threesome with Cat.” Sam explained Cat is mostly lesbian and probably wouldn’t enjoy that. I fished for other possibilities, “How would you feel if I were there?” Seeking clarity, she asked, “You mean watch Cat and I have sex?” When I said yes, she suggested that would be weird. It seemed Sam was okay having sex with another woman, but she was jealous of me seeing Cat naked. I think we were negotiating. Sam said it might be possible to be there if I were blindfolded, but I told her the voyeur in me would want to see them. With an understanding of our positions, Sam said she would talk with Cat to learn how she felt. “Maybe Cat doesn’t even want to have sex with me.”, Sam said as she walked off.
I few days later Sam made arrangement to meet Cat for a drink. A couple of hours later, Sam texted that Cat wanted to meet me. I reminded her we had already met, and Sam said she wanted to meet me alone. Weird, but okay. “When and where?” I asked. “Now, at her place. I will text you her address.” Apparently, we were ships passing in the night as Sam made her way back home and I went to Cat’s apartment.
Cat lived in a high-rise on the other side of town. After confirming her apartment number on the directory in the lobby, I took the elevator to the ninth floor and knocked on her door. It was a little after 9:00 PM and the apartment was dark when Cat opened the door. I could barely make out her features but recognized her voice when she invited me inside. The living room was brighter with a single lamp by the couch. She invited me to have a seat. Cat was wearing a robe, and it wasn’t obvious if she had anything on underneath it. The situation seemed to be getting stranger. Cat spoke with a husky voice. She was straight-forward when she spoke, “Sam and I would like to have sex.” Strangely, she didn’t ask how I felt about the idea. She went on, “I told her I’d talk to you.” I asked Cat why Sam didn’t talk with me herself, and Cat said “Well, I have tended to be the dominant one in our relationship.” It seems Cat was a “Butch Lesbian”, although she didn’t exhibit any of the external attributes like short hair, muscled physique, and other traditionally masculine traits. She most certainly did have one attribute that dykes exhibit, assertiveness.
To the point, she followed up with, “Sam says you want to watch.” I was left speechless. What do you say to a dyke who wants to fuck your wife. I probably had a stupid expression on my face when I said, “That might be interesting.” That was probably the greatest understatement in the history of mankind. I assumed she was okay with that, or we wouldn’t be sitting in her living room talking about the subject. What began then was negotiations much like the negotiations I had with Sam, but with Cat it was more like a list of demands. It started with, “I have fucked wives before, and the husbands can be trouble. Are you going to be trouble?” I replied no, but Cat corrected me, “I would prefer if you addressed me as Ma’am.” Well, it seemed Cat was interested in dominating me as well. Trying to keep her appeased, I responded, “Yes, Ma’am.” If you want to watch me fuck your wife, you need to not wear and wear something for me.” Confused, I asked what she meant, and she replied, “You cannot wear clothes.” Looking for clarity, I asked, “You mean when you are having sex with my wife?” Cat’s answer punctuated her desire to dominate me, “No, I mean whenever you are in front of me.” I laughed, “You’ve got to be kidding.” The stern look on her face suggested she was not amused, “I am not.” It seemed she wanted me to undress, “Do you mean now?” She was emphatic, “Yes!” I told her that my wife might not look favorably if I was naked in front of another woman. Without saying anything, she took out her phone and dialed a number. Hearing only one side of the conversation, she said, “Hi, it’s me. He’s here. I am talking to him about my expectations. Yes, he is resisting.” She handed me the phone saying, “It’s Sam.” I said hello and Sam simply said, “You should do everything Cat asks you to do.” I told her Cat wanted me to take my clothes off and Sam simply said, “Everything.” I handed the phone back and heard Cat say goodbye.
A few minutes later I was standing naked in front of a woman I hardly knew. “Sam didn’t tell me you had a tiny pecker.” Cat was also a humiliatrix, apparently. I told her I thought my cock was above average and she said, “I find penises offensive. I do not want you to wear clothes in my presence, but I do want you to wear something.” I asked what, assuming it was a blindfold. Instead of answering, Cat took me to her bedroom and showed me. She opened a drawer in one of her dressers. There were sex toys inside. She pulled out what she wanted me to wear, a chastity device. I had seen them in porn films, but never in real life. “Seriously, you want me to put that on?” She was unambiguous, “I want you to put it on now.” Defiantly I asked, “And, if I refused?” Then the blackmail, “Sam is going to stop fucking you if you don’t do what I say.” What the fuck was going on here?
I texted Sam and told her what the fuck Cat was telling me to do and she wrote back, “Just do what she says, Darling.” She calls me “Darling” when she wants something. I turned to Cat. She was watching me text and was apparently aware of what Sam had told me. Sam was texting her too. They were conspiring against me. I sat in a chair and considered the mess I had gotten myself into. I should have nipped this shit off in the bud. Now, I am butt naked in front of a dominatrix about to get my junk locked up. I tried to look at positive angles. Many husbands try to talk their wives into kinky sex without success. Mine is basically telling me we must engage in BDSM. I thought perhaps it would be fun.
Many guys would give their left nut to watch lesbian fuck each other. I wasn’t being asked to give my left nut, yet, but I was being told to do the closest thing, lock myself in a chastity cage. Looking for fortification, I asked Cat if I could have a drink. She brought me two fingers of scotch and the chastity cage. “Cage first.”, she said. I put the cage on, passed her the key, and drank the whiskey in one gulp. “What now?”, I asked. She said I needed to show her more deference. “What do you want me to do now, Ma’am?” She told me to go home. I starting putting my clothes on and she said, “You should ask permission before getting dressed.” “May I get dressed, Ma’am?” “Yes, you may, Cuckold.” She had a new name for me that foretold my future.
When I got home Sam was already in bed, apparently reading or maybe texting with Cat. She greeted me and asked to see “it.” She wanted to see the cage. I removed my clothes and showed her. Her only response was, “Amazing.” Feeling embarrassed, I put a pair of pajama bottoms on before getting in bed. I was horny, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Before turning out the lights, Sam asked me what Cat told me to do. I told her about being naked and the expectation that I wear a cock cage. She asked, “Anything else?” I said she wanted me to address her as “Ma’am.” Sam said it “would be nice if you did that for me.” I asked what and she said, “All of it.” While I was pulling my PJ bottoms off, Sam asked me if I would lick her pussy before we went to sleep. “Yes, Ma’am.” Naked, I went down on her until she had an orgasm. At one point she held my cage while I was licking her pussy. Satisfied, she rolled over and went to sleep. Emotionally exhausted, I was asleep soon too.

The next morning Sam told me she and Cat had scheduled their first real date, “Cat and I will go to dinner and come back here afterwards. We will probably want a few after-dinner drinks. Will you serve us?” I said “Yes, Ma’am.” “Naked of course.” “Yes, Ma’am.” That evening, I watched Sam get ready for her date. I hadn’t seen her that dolled up in years, not since we first started dating. She waved as she left about 5:00. I stood there silent, naked. About 8:00 I saw headlights and shortly after that Cat and Sam walked through the door. I was sitting on the couch. Cat walked up to me and said, “I would appreciate it if you were available to greet us when we got home.” I noticed Cat was carrying and overnight bag. I apologized, got off the couch, and took her bag from her, “Can I get the two of you anything, Ma’am?” Cat said, “We’ll both have a glass of white wine. What do you have?” “I have Chenin Blanc, Gewürztraminer, and a buttery Chardonnay chilled, Ma’am.” They wanted the Chenin Blanc. I opened the bottle in the kitchen and poured two glasses. When I returned, Sam and Cat were sitting on the couch. They had taken their blouses and bras off. Sam’s tits are small, but Cat’s were huge. It was the first time I had seen them. I tried not to stare as I served the wine.
I felt uncomfortable sitting with them and so went back to the kitchen. I could hear them talking and laughing for a while, but then there was quiet. I peeked around the corner and could see they were making out. Sam was on top of Cat and they were kissing while Sam fondled Cat’s boobs. I waited in the kitchen until I heard my name called. When I returned to the living room, Cat and Sam were stark naked. Sam had waxed her pussy, but I noticed Cat had a full bus of blonde hair. Sam said, “We’d like more wine, Darling.” Anticipating that, I had brought the half-empty bottle with me. I filled Cat’s glass first, then turned to fill Sam’s glass. She held my balls and the cage in her hand while I poured the wine, then released me after giving my balls a little pat. What had Cat turned my wife into? I went back to the kitchen.

When I returned to the living room about half an hour later, the women were gone. They had left their empty glasses behind. I assumed they had moved to the bedroom. I walked down the hallway to the bedroom. Halfway there, I could hear them fucking. There was heavy breathing, moaning, and a slap-slap-slap sound. I walked in the room and saw Cat fucking Sam with a strapon. Cat was the one breathing hard as she pounded Sam, who was the one doing the moaning. Cat tossed me a glance and said, “Take a seat, cuckold.” I was a cuckold. I was witnessing my wife’s bull fuck her. After about fifteen minutes of being fucked in a variety of positions, first Missionary, then Cowgirl, and finally Doggie, Sam erupted with an orgasm and started crying out.

I had been sitting in the corner, in the shadows, quietly. After a few minutes to catch her breath, Cat turned to me and said, “Your turn, Bitch.” She wanted to peg me. I wanted to run, but knew where this was headed, so I surrendered to her. “First, suck my cock.”, she said as she presented her dildo. I kneeled in front of her as she fucked my mouth, “Taste your wife’s pussy, Cuckold?” My eyes were watering as I looked up at her with her cock in my mouth. After a couple of minutes, she told me to get on all fours in bed. After lubing my anus with her finger, she forced her cock in me. I first squealed and then cried as she fucked me. When she was finished, I kneeled before her again as she fucked my mouth with her soiled cock. She left me on the floor, listening to my wife perform cunnilingus on her, before the lights went out. I slept on the floor while my wife slept with her bull. There was no walking back what had happened. I was a cuckold.